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Dr. Anand Sonawane
Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery
Medical Registration Verified
About Dr. Anand Sonawane
Dr. Anand Sonawane is a highly skilled Ayurveda practicing in Ahmednagar, Maharashtra. Dr. Anand Sonawane offers a wide range of medical services such as Male Infertility Treatment, Female Infertility Treatment, Chronic Skin Allergy Treatment, Yoga Therapy, Parent Counseling, Nadi Pariksha, Gastrointestinal Disorders, Panchakarma, Weight Management, Ayurvedic Treatment, Wellness Yoga, Childrens Health, Gynaecological Counselling and General Physician. Dr. Anand Sonawane holds an Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery. With 17 Year(s) years of experience, Dr. Anand Sonawane has successfully treated numerous patients. You can consult Dr. Anand Sonawane at Nitiyanandi Clinic and Panchakarma Centre in Ahmednagar. Dr. Anand Sonawane is fluent in English , Hindi and Marathi for clear and comfortable communication. Believing in Ethical and Holistic approach in everything. Patient having trust with me will never let down. Patient's Health as well as wealth should be considered..
Education Qualifications
Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery
Collage Name:
Passing Year:
Surgery Experience
Hospital Name:
KEM Hospital
Surgery Type:
Abdominal surgery
Surgery Date:
1 Jan 2008 to 31 Jul 2010
Done General Minor Surgeries solely. Assissted various General and Gynaecological Surgeries.
Medical Experience
Hospital Name:
Nitiyanandi Clinic and Panchakarma Centre
Medical Type:
Adjuvant therapy
Experience Date:
1 Jan 2008 to Currently Working
Worked as M.O. at Above Hospitals. Now Practicing as General Physician and Surgeon with Ayurvedic and Panchakarma speciality

Frequently Asked Questions

Where does Dr. Anand Sonawane Practice?

You can consult Dr. Anand Sonawane at Nitiyanandi Clinic and Panchakarma Centre in Ahmednagar.

Which Services/Treatments Provided by Dr. Anand Sonawane?

Dr. Anand Sonawane offers a wide range of medical services such as Male Infertility Treatment, Female Infertility Treatment, Chronic Skin Allergy Treatment, Yoga Therapy, Parent Counseling, Nadi Pariksha, Gastrointestinal Disorders, Panchakarma, Weight Management, Ayurvedic Treatment, Wellness Yoga, Childrens Health, Gynaecological Counselling and General Physician.

What is Dr. Anand Sonawane's Education Qualification?

Dr. Anand Sonawane has the Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery.

What are Dr. Anand Sonawane's areas of expertise?

Dr. Anand Sonawane is a highly skilled Ayurveda practicing in Ahmednagar, Maharashtra.

How can i book appointment for Dr. Anand Sonawane?

You can book appointment for Dr. Anand Sonawane online through Healcard.

How many years of experience Dr. Anand Sonawane have?

Dr. Anand Sonawane has over 17 Year(s) of clinical experience.

What is the consultation fees for Dr. Anand Sonawane?

The consultation fee for Dr. Anand Sonawane may vary depending on the type of consultation. It is best to contact the clinic post your appointment for the exact charges.

What languages are spoken by Dr. Anand Sonawane?

Dr. Anand Sonawane is fluent in English , Hindi and Marathi for clear and comfortable communication.